ARES Cardiology Center
The Centers of Excellence in Cardiology and Interventional Radiology ARES were founded in 2011 and are privately owned. Our mission is to provide excellent medical services to Romanian and foreign patients, through the expertise of the most renowned physicians in Romania, top doctors from all across Europe and state of the art equipment. Ever since its inauguration, ARES became one of the leading private clinics in Romania, paving the way for revolutionary interventional cardiology procedures by performing minimally invasive treatments as an alternative for traditional surgical techniques. Over the years, thousands of interventional procedures were successfully performed at ARES, nine of which were national medical premieres and one was a European premiere. ARES is the first Eastern European Center of Excellence in the Therapy of Uterine Fibroids, the first Romanian private center that treats high blood pressure through Renal Arthery Denevration and the first private clinic to hold a department dedicated to the minimal invasive treatment of Congenital Cardiac Maflormations in Romania. ARES currently functions in three separate locations: ARES Ponderas, ARES Monza and Monza-ARES Constanța.