0 €


Dentistry Teleconference

Independent Doctors

Booking Clinic offers you remote medical examination with the doctor of your choice, from your home, effortlessly, without spending time and money on transportation. This gives you access to a wide network of doctors, easily and simply, without any location restrictions.

surname Mertzim

Independent Doctors

0 €

30 €


Orthopedics Teleconference

Independent Doctors

Booking Clinic offers you remote medical examination with the doctor of your choice, from your home, effortlessly, without spending time and money on transportation. This gives you access to a wide network of doctors, easily and simply, without any location restrictions.


Independent Doctors

30 €

35 €

Prenatal testing

Prenatal care (3rd trimester)

Euromedica Diagnostics

Σε συνδυασμό με την κλινική εικόνα της εγκύου παρέχει πληροφορίες για τις τιμές πρωτεϊνών και σακχάρου στο αίμα, την πιθανή προεκλαμψία ή τη λοίμωξη με στρεπτόκοκκο της Ομάδας β.

Medical Team
Treatments / Year

35 €

1 day treatment
Treatments / Year
40 €


Urological check-up for men

Euromedica Diagnostics

Προσφέρεται αδρός έλεγχος αιματολογικού προφίλ ασθενούς και εξέτασης των ορών με συνοδό έλεγχο της ουρήθρας και της λειτουργίας του προστατικού αδένα.

Medical Team
Treatments / Year

40 €

1 day treatment
Treatments / Year
49 €


Hematological check-up

Euromedica Diagnostics

Περιλαμβάνει απλό έλεγχο αιματολογικό προφίλ με συνδυασμό των κυριότερων βιοχημικών παραμέτρων.

Medical Team
Treatments / Year

49 €

1 day treatment
Treatments / Year
50 €


Physiatrics Teleconference

Independent Doctors

Η BookingClinic σας προσφέρει τη δυνατότητα εξ αποστάσεως ιατρικής επίσκεψης με τον γιατρό της επιλογής σας, από το σπίτι σας, χωρίς κόπο, χωρίς να ξοδέψετε χρόνο και χρήμα για μετακίνηση. Αποκτάτε έτσι πρόσβαση σε ένα ευρύ δίκτυο γιατρών, εύκολα και απλά, χωρίς κανένα χωροταξικό περιορισμό. 


Independent Doctors

50 €

55 €

Prenatal testing

Prenatal care (1st trimester)

Euromedica Diagnostics

Ο υπερηχογραφικός έλεγχος του εμβρύου (αυχενική διαφάνεια) σε συνδυασμό με τις βιοχημικές μετρήσεις (papp-a, β-hcg) ανιχνεύουν ποσοστιαία την πιθανή εμφάνιση χρωμοσωμικών ανωμαλιών (π.χ. σύνδρομο down).

Medical Team
Treatments / Year

55 €

1 day treatment
Treatments / Year
55 €


Pathology Teleconference

Independent Doctors

Booking Clinic offers you remote medical examination with the doctor of your choice, from your home, effortlessly, without spending time and money on transportation. This gives you access to a wide network of doctors, easily and simply, without any location restrictions.

Μαργούτα Αναστασία

Independent Doctors

55 €

Relevant treatments

Multiple sclerosis

The patients of Multiple Sclerosis can truly benefit from an intensive rehabilitation program based on physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and hydrotherapy. 

Parkinson's disease

The Parkinson disease patients can truly benefit by an intensive rehabilitation program based on physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. The rehabilitation program aims at improving walking, balance and flexibility, increasing aerobic skill and eventually the functional independence.


The aim of rehabilitation is the best possible recovery of the functional independence of the patient through teaching walking again, through restraining the spasticity of the hemiplegic limps, through teaching again everyday life activities, improving swallowing and speech and through the proper psychological support.  
The best rehabilitation outcome is directly related to the time of intervention. Therefore, the early start of a rehabilitation program increases the expected result.

See all treatments

Relevant health articles

Robot revolutionizes knee replacement surgery

Georgette Greene has an active lifestyle and works out at least five times a week. But six years ago, the Campbell resident realized she could no longer do a squat. She exercised even harder and lost weight. “That helped for a little while,” she said. “But from there my knees got progressively worse.” Today the 57-year-old Greene lies in a hospital bed for the first time since having her daughter— now seated by her side — 31 years ago. She’s about to undergo total knee replacement surgery.

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Robot revolutionizes knee replacement surgery

Georgette Greene has an active lifestyle and works out at least five times a week. But six years ago, the Campbell resident realized she could no longer do a squat. She exercised even harder and lost weight. “That helped for a little while,” she said. “But from there my knees got progressively worse.” Today the 57-year-old Greene lies in a hospital bed for the first time since having her daughter— now seated by her side — 31 years ago. She’s about to undergo total knee replacement surgery.

“Nose Job” takes a giant leap in new technology

More people want to change the shape of their nose today than any time in the past 10 years. The build-up of the demand encourages new developments in technology which has never been as remarkable as today.

Personalize your knee replacement!

More than 600,000 knee-replacement surgeries are done in the United States every year, and as Baby Boomers continue to age, some say that figure will grow to 1 million within the next decade. Patients are increasingly choosing an option that allows doctors to build their patient’s knees.

Less than a year ago, climbing a flight of stairs would have been impossible for Amanda Fair-Evans. “I couldn’t even get out of the car, and I was like, ‘What is this?’” Fair-Evans said. The pain in her left knee was unbearable. Fair-Evans tried medication and cortisone shots and finally begged her doctor for surgery. “I have no quality of life,” Fair-Evans recalled saying. “I have grandkids and I want to play with my grandkids. Please give me a new knee.”

Dr. Mathew Pombo, an orthopedic surgeon, felt Fair-Evans would be a great candidate for a personalized replacement knee. A standing CT scan of a patient’s leg captures the alignment, followed by a three-dimensional printing process. “We can input components into the computer and print off a specific femur and a specific tibia that fits the bone perfectly,” Pombo said. It takes about six weeks for a medical company to create the custom knee. During surgery, doctors remove the damaged joint. Then, using individually designed tools, surgeons insert the new joint and cement it in. “It’s basically like putting a train on perfectly aligned train tracks,” Pombo said. “It should wear better.”

Five months later, Fair-Evans had her other knee replaced. Now she’s back to the things she loves to do. “(I’m) taking long walks, playing with my grandkids and dancing,” Fair-Evans said. “I haven’t danced in a long time.” Pombo said there is a faster recovery, less blood loss and easier range of motion when patients have the personalized 3D knee surgery.

The crucial role of patient age when calculating IOL power

Refractive prediction error changes with a patient's age, according to results from a prospective, cohort study. The researchers suggest patient age should be taken into account when determining intraocular lens (IOL) power for cataract surgery.

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