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Multiple sclerosis

The patients of Multiple Sclerosis can truly benefit from an intensive rehabilitation program based on physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and hydrotherapy. 

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Relevant health articles


New breast cancer therapy targets ‘aggressive’ protein

Scientists have discovered a molecular “switch” that makes cells in breast cancer tumors become aggressive.

“Nose Job” takes a giant leap in new technology

More people want to change the shape of their nose today than any time in the past 10 years. The build-up of the demand encourages new developments in technology which has never been as remarkable as today.


Despite being one of the most common procedures in plastic surgery, rhinoplasty remains one of the most technically demanding.

Breast augmentation

When is a woman eligible for breast surgery?

The crucial role of patient age when calculating IOL power

Refractive prediction error changes with a patient's age, according to results from a prospective, cohort study. The researchers suggest patient age should be taken into account when determining intraocular lens (IOL) power for cataract surgery.

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