
Ankle joint osteoarthritis (arthrosis)

Total ankle arthroplasty (TAA)

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OTA-Jinemed Hastanesi


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Beşiktaş’ın iki saygın sağlık kuruluşu Ota Tıp Merkezi ve Jinemed Hastanesi güçlerini “OTA & Jinemed Hastanesi’” adı altında birleştirdi. Müşteri memnuniyeti ve kalite standartlarının ön planda tutulduğu Fulya Jinemed’in hastanecilik tecrübesi ile OTA’ nın geniş poliklinik ağı ve SGK güvencesine sahip hastaya, hizmet verme avantajı bir araya getirilmiştir. SGK ve tüm özel sağlık sigortaları ile anlaşması olan hastanemizde, bu birleşme ile poliklinik hizmeti verilen branş sayısı da artmış, kadromuza bir çok yeni dalda uzman doktorlar katılmıştır.


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OTA-Jinemed Hastanesi
Total ankle arthroplasty (TAA)

 Uygulanacak Girişim

Vücut boşluklarının ince ve özel ışık kaynakları ile aydınlatılarak incelenmesi işlemine endoskopik cerrahi, söz konusu vücut boşluğu bir eklem olduğunda ise artroskopik cerrahi olarak adlandırılır. Ayak Bileği artroskopisi ayak bileğine açılan küçük kesilerden yaklaşık 5 mm çapında bir görüntüleme aleti (artroskop) ile girilerek yapılır. 


1520 OTA-Jinemed Hastanesi
OTA-Jinemed Hastanesi

Total ankle arthroplasty (TAA)
1520 €
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  • No charge is required at this stage of your request.
  • Only when your request is accepted by the Clinic you will be asked to pay 10% of treatment cost as an advanced payment to secure your booking
  • The remaining amount will be paid directly to the Clinic the day you check in.

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Relevant treatments

Total elbow arthroplasty (replacement)

Total kalça protezi, kalça eklemi ileri derecede harap olmuş hastalarda, hasarlı eklemin yapay bir eklemle değiştirilmesi ameliyatıdır. Kalça protez kobalt krom veya titanyumdan imal edilen ana parçalar ile bunların eklemleştiği yerde plastik, metal veya seramik ara parçalardan oluşur.

Kalça protezi kemiğe iki şekilde tutturulabilir. Kemik kalitesi çok iyi olmayan ileri yaştaki hastalarda, protez kemik çimentosu adı verilen bir dolgu maddesi ile kemiğe tespit edilir. Bu tip protezlere çimentolu kalça protezi adı verilir. Kemik kalitesi iyi olan daha genç hastalarda ise, üzeri gözenekli bir madde ile kaplanmış olan protezler, kemiğin içine çok sıkı bir şekilde yerleştirilir ve sonrasında vücudun kemiği, protezin üzerindeki gözeneklerin içine ilerleyerek tespiti sağlar. Bu tip protezlere çimentosuz kalça protezi adı verilir.

Arthroscopy (knee)

Artroskopi sözcüğü eklemin içine bakmayı ifade eder. Fiberoptik cihazlar (kamera ve ışık sistemleri) kullanılarak eklemlerin içleri görüntülü muayene edilir. Eklem içi dokulardaki hastalık ve yaralanmalar bu şekilde eklem açılmadan görülerek gerekli tedavileri yapılır.

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Relevant health articles

Personalize your knee replacement!

More than 600,000 knee-replacement surgeries are done in the United States every year, and as Baby Boomers continue to age, some say that figure will grow to 1 million within the next decade. Patients are increasingly choosing an option that allows doctors to build their patient’s knees.

Less than a year ago, climbing a flight of stairs would have been impossible for Amanda Fair-Evans. “I couldn’t even get out of the car, and I was like, ‘What is this?’” Fair-Evans said. The pain in her left knee was unbearable. Fair-Evans tried medication and cortisone shots and finally begged her doctor for surgery. “I have no quality of life,” Fair-Evans recalled saying. “I have grandkids and I want to play with my grandkids. Please give me a new knee.”

Dr. Mathew Pombo, an orthopedic surgeon, felt Fair-Evans would be a great candidate for a personalized replacement knee. A standing CT scan of a patient’s leg captures the alignment, followed by a three-dimensional printing process. “We can input components into the computer and print off a specific femur and a specific tibia that fits the bone perfectly,” Pombo said. It takes about six weeks for a medical company to create the custom knee. During surgery, doctors remove the damaged joint. Then, using individually designed tools, surgeons insert the new joint and cement it in. “It’s basically like putting a train on perfectly aligned train tracks,” Pombo said. “It should wear better.”

Five months later, Fair-Evans had her other knee replaced. Now she’s back to the things she loves to do. “(I’m) taking long walks, playing with my grandkids and dancing,” Fair-Evans said. “I haven’t danced in a long time.” Pombo said there is a faster recovery, less blood loss and easier range of motion when patients have the personalized 3D knee surgery.

Read more Personalize your knee replacement! More about Orthopedics All articles

Personalize your knee replacement!

More than 600,000 knee-replacement surgeries are done in the United States every year, and as Baby Boomers continue to age, some say that figure will grow to 1 million within the next decade. Patients are increasingly choosing an option that allows doctors to build their patient’s knees.

Less than a year ago, climbing a flight of stairs would have been impossible for Amanda Fair-Evans. “I couldn’t even get out of the car, and I was like, ‘What is this?’” Fair-Evans said. The pain in her left knee was unbearable. Fair-Evans tried medication and cortisone shots and finally begged her doctor for surgery. “I have no quality of life,” Fair-Evans recalled saying. “I have grandkids and I want to play with my grandkids. Please give me a new knee.”

Dr. Mathew Pombo, an orthopedic surgeon, felt Fair-Evans would be a great candidate for a personalized replacement knee. A standing CT scan of a patient’s leg captures the alignment, followed by a three-dimensional printing process. “We can input components into the computer and print off a specific femur and a specific tibia that fits the bone perfectly,” Pombo said. It takes about six weeks for a medical company to create the custom knee. During surgery, doctors remove the damaged joint. Then, using individually designed tools, surgeons insert the new joint and cement it in. “It’s basically like putting a train on perfectly aligned train tracks,” Pombo said. “It should wear better.”

Five months later, Fair-Evans had her other knee replaced. Now she’s back to the things she loves to do. “(I’m) taking long walks, playing with my grandkids and dancing,” Fair-Evans said. “I haven’t danced in a long time.” Pombo said there is a faster recovery, less blood loss and easier range of motion when patients have the personalized 3D knee surgery.

Robot revolutionizes knee replacement surgery

Georgette Greene has an active lifestyle and works out at least five times a week. But six years ago, the Campbell resident realized she could no longer do a squat. She exercised even harder and lost weight. “That helped for a little while,” she said. “But from there my knees got progressively worse.” Today the 57-year-old Greene lies in a hospital bed for the first time since having her daughter— now seated by her side — 31 years ago. She’s about to undergo total knee replacement surgery.


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