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Relevant treatments

Body-jet liposuction

Liposuction is the most common surgery in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, which can be applied to all body areas with a tendency to localized fat accumulation. It is  accumulated fat that cannot be reduced by diet or exercise. Localized fat is most often located around the buttocks, abdomen, inner surface of the knee, but also in the arms or  buttocks. With the new technique of Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL), the aesthetic outcome after surgery is significantly better because it allows the skin to retain its  natural texture without being loose or saggy after removal of localized fat.


Plastic surgery of ears' cartilaginous auricles with most common restoration being the correction of congenital protrusion of the ears, known as prominent (protruding) ears.

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Despite being one of the most common procedures in plastic surgery, rhinoplasty remains one of the most technically demanding.

New study- How long does edema after rhinoplasty really last-

The decrease in postsurgical nasal edema following rhinoplasty was found to be highly accurate using three-dimensional morphometric assessment, according to a study in the December edition of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

“Nose Job” takes a giant leap in new technology

More people want to change the shape of their nose today than any time in the past 10 years. The build-up of the demand encourages new developments in technology which has never been as remarkable as today.

Aesthetic surgery for women- get the facts

It is perfectly normal for a woman to want to improve her body, especially after a pregnancy and birth or a surgery. The way we feel about our body and appearance is of major importance, key to the boost of self-confidence and good mood. There are solutions with which you can correct any kind of imperfection questioning the femininity of a woman, and achieve the desired appearance.

Breast augmentation

When is a woman eligible for breast surgery?

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