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Dentistry Teleconference

Booking Clinic offers you remote medical examination with the doctor of your choice, from your home, effortlessly, without spending time and money on transportation. This gives you access to a wide network of doctors, easily and simply, without any location restrictions.

Orthopedics Teleconference

Booking Clinic offers you remote medical examination with the doctor of your choice, from your home, effortlessly, without spending time and money on transportation. This gives you access to a wide network of doctors, easily and simply, without any location restrictions.

Pathology Teleconference

Booking Clinic offers you remote medical examination with the doctor of your choice, from your home, effortlessly, without spending time and money on transportation. This gives you access to a wide network of doctors, easily and simply, without any location restrictions.

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The decrease in postsurgical nasal edema following rhinoplasty was found to be highly accurate using three-dimensional morphometric assessment, according to a study in the December edition of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

New breast cancer therapy targets ‘aggressive’ protein

Scientists have discovered a molecular “switch” that makes cells in breast cancer tumors become aggressive.

Phacoemulsification systems gaining popularity worldwide

Phacoemulsification systems market is quickly gaining popularity and is probably going to be a generally utilized strategy for cataract surgery in many parts of the world sooner rather than later.

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